Monday 9 December 2013

The Thoughts In My Head

Well hello there people of the interwebs, this is gunna be a fairly basic first post. I thought I would basically just introduce myself to everyone, even though nobody is even gunna read this blog, I guess i just thought it could be something I do in my spare time when im not reading my endless supply of books that currently reside on my bookshelf and in a box on my bedroom floor and just everywhere really (hahha im not joking it's a real problem) as you might have guessed from my title, I pretty much adore books and im a huge bookworm, i love love love to read, it's pretty much my passion and it has been since i was a little child since i learnt to read. 

So hello my name is Danika, or dani whichever is easier for you to call me, though everyone mainly calls me dani because i insist on it, haha because I hate my name, as nobody can pronounce it correctly so im forever being called 'Dan-ee-kahh' and it's outright annoying, like look person can you clearly not see that there are no E's in my name so therefore that must clearly mean it's pronounced the way it's written, Danika. i blame my parents, or mostly my mother, it was her choice to call me this dumb name, just because i was born on mothers day in the morning and my name means morning star like talk about cliche, im nothing like a morning star, if anything I despise the morning so she couldn't have picked a worse name. Typical parents.

I currently reside in a small town at the bottom of Scotland, that is all im going to divulge about my whereabouts in the world, wouldn't want a creeper finding out where exactly I live, that would be odd haha, I'm 22 years old, though I've been told that people find this difficult to believe given my small stature, yep im a midget, and im forever going to be one seeing as i will never get any taller, so according to everyone I look about 16, which is annoying, but my mother says i should take it as a compliment because in 10 years I'll appreciate that everyone thinks im younger than i actually am, if she insists on it. I personally hate being so small, im so small i haven't even hit the 5 foot mark, how crap is that? I'm going to be stuck at a tiny 4'9 for the rest of my life. It wouldn't be so bad however if people didn't make patronizing comments about how tiny i am and how 'adorable' and 'cute' it is. Adorable is a puppy or a kitten, not me. And it's even worse when all of your friends are so much taller than you, and especially when your own boyfriend is 5'8/5'9, so im forever going to have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him or maybe i'll make him bend down to my height hehehe. 

Which brings us onto the next topic, my boyfriend. Which im sure nobody really wants to read about but i'll just skim through it briefly with the things you need to know. His name is Lewis, he's 22 and he lives in Los Angeles where he was originally from but he moved to the UK when he was 10, and then he moved back there a few months ago, we've been dating for 3 and a half years( 4 in march) and we're currently in a long distance relationship, seeing as i live in Scotland and we're 5000 miles apart, now yes im aware of how some people feel about long distance relationships and they're entitled to their opinions but i'd rather you kept them to yourselves because tbh me and him have had our fair share of opinions and comments about our relationship and i honestly don't care what anybody has to think about us. I love him and that's all that matters. 

I have a vast array of interests when it comes to tv shows though, my favourites rank from Supernatural & The Walking Dead to New Girl & Awkward. My music taste is rather varied and i'll listen to anything as long as it's catchy, so i'll listen to rock, pop punk, pop, etc but my favourite band have to be All Time Low and they have been since 2007/8. I can't really pick a favourite movie or book as there's too many to really choose from but i'll read pretty much anything as long as it's interesting, and i'll watch pretty much any movie as long as it's not horror, because im afraid im a big scaredy cat. 

I think i've pretty much covered the basics about myself here, so i'll just sign off now.